Târgnemţenii invitaţi la vânătoare de câini


Primaria Targu Neamt si SC ECO SRL fac un apel catre targnemteni: ”Rugam cetatenii sa ne ajute sa depistam pe toti cei care debarca din masini caini pe strazile din oras. Poate cu o poza, sau un numar de inmatriculare si atunci noi vom face investigatii pentru afla de unde provin cainii. Oamenii pot telefona la Primarie pentru a face cunoscut cazul”. Poate ca o sa va intrebati  de ce au nevoie de ajutor autoritatile si nu se descurca singure: ”Suntem in colaborare cu Politia Locala si Politia Nationala, insa nu am gasit inca modalitatile de a depista pe cei care abandoneaza cainii in oras. Am dus un dosar la Politia Judeteana, Serviciul Arme si Munitii, pentru a autoriza o persoana din Targu Neamt sa detina o pusca cu tranchilizant si astfel sa reusim sa-i prindem”, a declarat directorul firmei ECO, Vasile Cojocariu. In urma cu cateva saptamani, alesii locali vorbeau de  construirea unui padoc  langa fosta groapa de gunoi a orasului, insa aceasta solutie nu mai poate fi aplicata, cel putin pentru moment. ”La momentul de fata, padocul care este construit sus in numar de vreo sase boxe se afla pe un perimetru care intra intr-un anumit cadastru. O societate din Piatra Neamt se ocupa de inchiderea cu membrane a zonei respective, printr-un program european. Am vorbit cu domnul Primar, pentru o locatie noua ca sa mutam padocul de acolo”, a mai spus directorul de la ECO Targu Neamt.

Viorela Gherasim

43 Comentarii

    Ma intreb daca aveti curajul si decenta de a publica si aceste socante imagini din ADAPOSTUL DIN TARGU NEAMT .. din pacate au fost si reale … Banuiesc ca nu le veti publica … dar sunt multumita daca macar voi le vedeti .. eu le-am si trait 🙁 … Oricum la mine sunt publice si lumea le poate vedea … eu imi asum ceea ce fac si ce spun …

    Pe mine nu ma pacaliti cu vorbe ticluite in articol … poate pe necunoscatori … eu stiu sa citesc printre randuri …


  2. Kaisa Kangasniemi spune

    I am from Finland and I have two adopted Romanian dogs. The other one was abandoned as a puppy, and the other was born under a car, in the street and luckily rescued by a caring lady. Both dogs are well-behaved pets in our family and we love them. They act calmly and nicely with children and the neighbourhood children often come to see and pet them. Please consider adopting homeless dogs, they make excellent pets and family members. They deserve a chance and a life.

  3. Allyson Bowden spune

    Dear sir/Madam

    Please stop the Barbaric hunt of the strays in Targu Neamt.We know that you dont have the facilities to Keep them as the shelter is not fit for rats.I have two stray Dogs from Targu neamt saved from good People and adopted by me here in Germany.Many of my friends have also adopted strays from Romania,Targu Neamt,Sucaeva,Botosani..and the list is never ending.The Problem will never be solved in this way !! You will never be able to kill them all..Kastration and Sterilisation is the only way.Instead of putting Donations in your own pockets like the criminals that you are..you should do the right Thing and use the money for what it is there ..THE DOGS !!! The world is horrified at your Perverse and Barbaric Actions against innocent souls.
    I will never stop fighting for the Romanian strays Never.
    I hope you can sleep well at night.
    with friendly greetings
    A Romanian dog Lover from Germany
    Allyson Bowden

  4. Karin Mann spune

    Hello, stopp killing Dogs … Tagu Neamt has no Public Shelter … we know what you wanna do … all europe looking now at your country and is named land of dead …. many dogs from targu neamt found homes in germany and other eurepans countrys … romania are not worth to be a member in EU…. we make petitions that romania have to leave the EU…. then romania can eat his own shit … Shame on you Targu Neamt and this newspaper….

  5. Betina spune

    I am from sweden and here with me there a living two wonderful dogs from Targu Neamt.. a female and a male… a hard Life on the streets begging for food, water and love.. It is really horrified that Romania only support killing dogs.. it is well known that neutering is the only solution for dogs and also the most humanly things to do.. Many romanian people just dumped their puppies in the village , nearby roads and so on…be kind and show the World something else…

  6. Jennifer spune

    Let the dog’s life,
    You also have a right to a safe place on this planet.
    The earth is NOT the people alone …

    Să viata cainelui,
    De asemenea, aveți dreptul la un loc sigur de pe această planetă.
    Pământul nu este de oameni singuri …

    Lasst die Hunde Leben,
    Sie haben auch ein Recht auf einen Sicheren Platz auf diesem Planeten.
    Die Erde gehört NICHT dem Menschen allein…

  7. Anke Groeber spune

    Please think once before you kill strays!
    It’s not their fault that they live. People have not met their responsibilities: Dogs are as dependent as children, we must take good care of both! If we don’t, we are worse than a dog. A dog mother cares for her puppies!

  8. Sandra Mengel spune


  9. Sandra Mengel spune


  10. Sabine Hahner spune

    Ihr seid grausame Mörder! Ohne Menschlichkeit, ohne Gefühl! Korrupt! Ihr verdient den Nemaen Mensch in nicht! Alles was ihr jetzt den Hunden antut, kommt doppelt grausam zu jedem Einzelnen und euren Kindern zurück! Es geht auch anders, nämlich so:

    Sunteti criminali crude! Fără umanitate, fără senzație! Corupt! Meriți Nemaen în non-umane! Tot ceea ce faci acum pentru câini vin de două ori crud pentru fiecare individ și pentru copiii inapoi!

    Există o altă cale, și anume ca:


  11. shukhova svetlana spune

    Stopp it…let the animals alive!!!!!

  12. Hundemama spune

    MURDERER! Killing innocent animals is barbaric!

  13. Brigitte Wiegers spune


  14. tanja kurt spune

    pleace no kill

  15. Isabel Cyka spune

    STOP Killing!!
    You are NOT GOD!!! Please stop, its youre chance to be a better country!!!

  16. Regina Staffel spune

    Stop the Massaker, stop the dog Killing! It’s a shame, it’s Horror, barbaric.

  17. Anke F spune

    Vă rugăm să opri uciderea cainilor fara stapan neajutorați!

  18. Tina Wilson spune

    Bitte hört auf und lasst die armen Straßenhunde leben und bringt sie nicht einfach so bestialisch um !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Carolin Drenkelfuss spune

    Killing Dogs is no solution to the stray dog Problem! All Dogs should be sterilized, also Dogs of private owners. So no new Dogs are Born and brought to the streets. This is an effective way to reduce the dog Population.

    Start thinking in a modern way and use effctive und human ways to solve your stray dog Problem!

  20. Michaela Linnepe spune

    Pls show the world that you will not allow all this horrible kills of dogs.
    Create an shelter, castrate them and give them a better life.
    The problem will not be solved when you allow to kill them.
    We know that Romania get money from EU for this campaign since years.
    so take the money to help the poor animals.
    I beg you!!
    Today the world looks to Romania!
    Thank you.
    Best regards
    Michaela Linnepe

  21. Sabine Hoffmann-Arnold spune

    Please stop the killing of innocent animals…Romania is partner of europe and its not legal what´s going on because the ruloes of the EU say striktly „NO” to this what your country is going on to do!!!!!!!!!

    It´s a shame and a blame for the EU states…i´m ashamed to live in the EU!!!!!!!!!

    Animals have no voive…but i´ll give them a voice together with million other human voices of this world!!!!!!!


    S. Hoffmann-Arnold

  22. anna vogl spune

    stoppt das töten der strassenhunde.

  23. Sorina Popescu spune

    Ati incercat cu camere de luat vederi? Poate ii depistati pe cei care ii abandoneaza si stopati abandonul

  24. Gabriele Hoffmann spune

    Stop this horror! The world is watching Romania.

  25. Dreier Claudia spune

    Many many people in germany are shocked about the animal abuse in romania!!! It is so cruel!!! We can´t believe it! We never ever go to romania in holiday!

  26. petra stadik spune

    please please let them alive…

  27. Manuela D'Amico spune

    The dogs all will be killed! Stop killing these poor animals – they have a right to live! Why does people think they have the right to kill other human beeings?!!!

  28. Marco Tillmetz spune

    shame on you, bloody cruel killers, SHAME ON YOU!!!

  29. E Rich spune

    Dear Murders,
    Why do you kill poor animals ??????
    Work up you own life.

  30. Petra Maier spune

    STOP, dieses grausame Abschlachten der Tiere, muß aufhören. Es ist barbarisch.
    Wenn Sie nur einen Funken Menschlichkeit und wärme haben STOPEN Sie diese Aktion sofort.

  31. Babs spune

    Ihr seid Mörder!!
    Ich bete dafür dass ihr dafür in der Hölle endet-
    Gott schuf alle Lebewesen!

  32. Kleinberger Sabine spune

    Die Größe und den moralischen Fortschritt einer Nation kann man daran ermessen, wie sie die Tiere behandeln. Shame on you Targu Neamt and this newspaper….
    But be sure that the world is looking at you.You are taking the money of European taxpayers but have no moral standarts.

  33. Tanja Sander spune

    Warum tut ihr diesen lieben Wesen so etwas schreckliches an? Please stop killing the dogs. Es macht mich so traurig und wütend. Warum könnt ihr keine andere Lösung finden. Ihr bekommt doch jede Unterstützung wenn ihr nur wollt. Es muss ein Umdenken statt finden. Ich verliere den Glauben an die Menschheit. Please stop killing the dogs, please.

  34. Claudia Köhler spune

    Nobody should visit your horrible country ever again!
    Everybody who is killing only one of this poor dogs is not a human beeing!
    Just a horrible murder without a heart!!!
    STOP!! STOP!!! STOP!!! IT!!!

  35. Barbara B. spune

    hey start to catch dogs in targu neamt … and there is no shelter , they will kill all…
    This infornation we get online today !!!

    Stopp killing the dogs,Stop the Massaker!!! The world is watching you Romania!!!
    A large majority of Romanian MEPs have also signed this declaration. Your call for a systematic mass killing of strays goes against the will of the democratically elected Romanian MEPs. This is something which we consider as profoundly undemocratic and it is unacceptable in the European Union.

  36. Gudrun Holler spune

    Hoert auf die Strassenhunde auf so bestialische Weise abzuschlachten.
    Die Kultur eines Landes erkennt man wie sie mit ihren Tieren umgehen.
    Es reicht, es ist unertraeglich.

  37. Miriam spune


    The problem are not the cats and dogs, the people should learn that they are responsible for their pets.
    Every life is a gift from good.

  38. Vera Roumain spune

    STOP THE DOG MASSAKER!!! You got money from the EU for castration projects and only 1% was spent there. So, WHERE IS THIS MONEY?! Probably in the pockets of your corrupt politicians!!!
    We will buy no more products from Romania, we will not spent any vacations there, or spent any money there!! I guess, only money talks in this world! Boycott Romania !!!!


  39. Jeanette spune

    Stop killing innocent creatures

  40. Heike spune

    Ich fordere die EU auf, endlich Rumänien aus der EU auszuschließen. Ein Land, welches Menschenrechte und Tierschutzrechte dermaßen mißachtet, ist es nicht Wert ein Mitglied der EU zu sein und hat auch kein Anrecht auf irgendwelche Gelder aus EU-Töpfen. Man hat den Eindruck Rumänien befindet sich im Mittelalter und nicht im Jahre 2013. Jeder Scherge, der bei diesem sinnlosen Morden hilft und sich auch noch finanziell bereichert, gehört eingesperrt bis ans Lebensende. Das sind keine Menschen !

  41. Gabriela Bartels spune

    The day will come, on which Romania needs help from the foreign country. Then me and many, many other humans will remember, how heartless and coldly your country dealt with its animals. And exactly the same we will act.
    Don´t forget: We are life, which want to live, in the midst of life, which wants to live. Shame on you, „humans” of Romania!


    cetatenii normali ,civilizati din tg neamt roaga pe domnul primar sa aplice legea in care se stipuleaza clar ca maidanezii nu au ce cauta pe strazi. Cei care au postat toate aceste mesaje nu sunt din orasul nostru si dupa cum bine se vede nici romaneste nu stiu vorbi .asa ca daca ii iubesc atat de mult sa faca ceva sa -i ia in curtile lor ca ne-am saturat sa fim batjocora maidanezilor.cerem SIGURANTA.

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